How to get results for your church…


We take churches through a step-by-step process that assures implementation of our proven concepts with the support of people already in your church. Each church works with one of our Facilitators who work one-on-one with pastors to equip them with the tools and leadership skills to accomplish the growth, discipleship and encouragement goals we set.

The Church Quiz

The One-on-One Program is for those churches that want to have the Church Goals team come to your church and deploy the program in an accelerated fashion over the course of one or two days.

Just Read the Book

If you’re the type of person that says, “just give me the book, I’ll figure it out.” No problem…here’s the book. It will surface reasons your church isn’t growing and show you how to PREPARE, GROW, EXPAND and SUSTAIN growth.

Try the App

Reaching your goals couldn’t be easier with the Church Goals App